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Having a transgender child is not the end of the world, even if it feels that way at the beginning.

*Texte en anglais*

Maybe it is the end of what you believed was the “truth", the conception that the physical attributes your child was born with determine their gender identity, what they feel deeply inside and that defines them as a “man”, “woman”, both of them or none of them.

Maybe it is the end of the dreams you had for your child, and that every parent has to reajust because, well, children grow to be their own person with their own dreams.

Maybe it is the fear of feeling outside of the societal “norm”, the fear of being “different”, the fear of rejection, violence even.

Maybe it is the daunting task of becoming an advocate when society is still very very binary…

Your trans children, whether they identify as "he”, “she”, “they”, or any other new pronoun, are pioneers. They are redefining the frontier of gender identity. They are cracking open the notion imposed by colonialism that gender identity must be put in two distinct boxes according to the genitalia people are born with (which does not account for the variations that nature has given to human beings i.e. intersex people).

They are lighting the way to other conceptions.

Please support them, protect them, open your heart to them.

It is what I believe. And you, what do you believe?

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